Designing feedback processes

Designing effective feedback processes is important for almost every teacher. An interesting question is: how do you design a feedback process that saves you time and work as a teacher? After all, what teacher wouldn’t want to spend less time and effort giving feedback? In this blog we will describe a feedback process where lots […]

Feedback and desirable difficulties

In this article I will discuss the connection between desirable difficulties and feedback. How can we use feedback to create better outcomes in the long term? When we teach, we tend to make the learning process as smooth as possible. By giving clear instructions, students are successful, and thus more motivated and satisfied. But by […]

Learning to ask for feedback

In education, increasing attention is being paid to an active role of students in feedback processes. It’s uncontested that feedback can only lead to learning if it is actually accepted, processed, and used. In this view, the student changes from a passive recipient to an active user. One way to encourage this change is to […]